A practical, hygienic and safe way to move around, which guarantees the well-being of your ati and yours.


We walk with you on the road to quality and safety and advise you in the area of Our vehicle. What is the basis of our work is to understand the needs of our customers and to address them together. Precise analysis of the demands in the areas of labor protection, quality management and environmental management enables us to develop sound plans and processes. After providing you with advice, we will also be at your side during your journey to provide you with greater safety in your transportation, with vision and professionalism.

After a number of cab applications, we have realized that there are many points to improve in order to overcome the major problems that generate almost all applications. Since in it all leads to a single problem and the same system is favorable only for the platform it is not favorable either for customers or much less for those who operate as drivers of such application.

Quality management

  1. Quality requirements can vary greatly from customer to customer.
    Our customers’ individual requirements remain at the heart of our quality management system. Together with you, we develop individual strategies to meet or exceed your objectives for each quality journey.
  2. Faceedoor is how the development of continuous improvement processes offers your company a wealth of possibilities to increase productivity and profitability. Collaboration with customers and Reducers, By each internal communication channel and the resulting success of Our customer to reach their destination satisfactorily. without being quickly influenced in a Negative way.

The most important thing for all our customers is that faceedoor adapt our work system to your environment system, it can be in a special occasion as well as work or unfortunately of illness at all times the application will be at the service of the community to provide the highest performance to its users.


Nuestros servicios incluyen.

  • Recoger el cliente desde su destierro de inicio hasta su destino final
  • En el momento que el taxi llega a recoger al cliente le dará un tiempo adecuado de tres a cinco minutos
  • Luego de pasar cinco minutos si el cliente no se presenta el conductor podrá cancelar el viaje lo cual podrá cobrar la tarifa mínima.
  • El conductor recogerá el cliente procederá a comenzar el viaje y llevarlo a su destino.

Filtración de aire en la cabina nuestros carro

  • Todos los Todos nuestros clientes podrán hacer uso de la ventilación natural para qué eso ayuda a mantener la ventilación dentro de nuestras Unidades.
  • Esta es una forma de mantener entre el conductor y el cliente un aire circular y minimizan la propagación de contaminantes transportados por el aire.
  • La circulación del aire ayudara la salud de nuestros conductores así como las de nuestros clientes..
    De la misma manera nuestros conductores están entrenado tanto para mantener la higiene de su vehículo.
  • El aire de la cabina De los conductores ayudará a mantener y a contener la propagación de cualquier tipo de virus en nuestras unidades

si tu destino son grandes ciudades lo mas inteligente seria hacerte de un seguro.
Si a donde te diriges los medios de transportes son muy lejo o deficientes podrías fácilmente coger la aplicación de faceedoor Le brindará el mismo servicio con menor costo. El costo bien sensible no reduce la calidad de suservicio.