1. Object

The Application and the Website are aimed exclusively at users residing in Spain. Users who reside or have their address in any other place and who decide to access and / or use this Application and / or Website must ensure that said access and / or use complies with the applicable local legislation. By accessing and using this Application and / or Website, you (“User”) (i) acknowledge that you have read and accepted these General Conditions of Use and (ii) agree to comply with all their terms and conditions. Likewise, the User acknowledges and accepts that access to and use of this Application and / or Website will be subject to the General Conditions of Use that are in force at the time of access. Faceedoor reserves the right to modify these General Conditions of Use, as well as any other general or specific conditions that may be applicable. In this case, the User may notify Faceedoor through the Help Center that he does not accept any eventual modification of these General Conditions of Use.

2. Contents

Through the Application and / or Website, Faceedoor provides the User with a vehicle reservation service with driver, (“Service”). The Application and / or Website provide the User with access to various content, information and data provided by Faceedoor in relation to the Service (the “Content”). Faceedoor reserves the right to modify at any time the presentation, configuration and location of the Application and / or the Website, as well as the corresponding conditions of access and use. The Contents provided through the Application and / or Website may be subject to eventual updates not reflected at all times on the Application and / or Website. Faceedoor acts as an intermediary on its own behalf in the provision of transport services to the User. It will be the sole responsibility of the third-party carriers or drivers to provide the transportation services that are contracted through the Application and / or Website. Faceedoor only makes available to the User a tool to reserve the transport services provided by third-party carriers. The User exonerates Faceedoor from any responsibility derived from the transport service provided by third-party carriers. Notwithstanding the foregoing, FACEEDOOR declares and guarantees that: It is constituted as a travel agency and is the holder of civil liability insurance derived from its activity. In this sense, Faceedoor has a Customer Service that has a protocol in case of traffic accidents or other serious incidents during the journey. This protocol includes, depending on the severity of the incident, measures such as: • Telephone assistance to the passenger. • Contact by the Customer Service team to emergency services if the passenger or driver needs medical attention. • Provision of a vehicle with a driver that allows the passenger to reach their destination after having suffered a traffic accident.

3. Access and use

Access to the Application and / or Website will be limited to persons over 18 years of age. The User may not (i) authorize third parties to use their account, nor may they allow persons under 18 years of age to access the Application through their account; nor (ii) may it allow persons under the age of 18 to receive private transport or logistics services from third-party carriers, unless the minors are accompanied by the User who owns the account. The User acknowledges and accepts that the access and use of the Application and / or Website takes place freely and consciously, under their sole responsibility. Faceedoor will not be in any case responsible for (i) any use contrary to the Law, morals, good customs and public order that the User and / or third parties may make of the Application and / or Website, nor for (ii ) any damages that may arise from it. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Faceedoor will inform the authorities of any of the previous uses of its Application and / or Website as soon as it becomes aware of them. The User agrees to make proper and lawful use of the Application and / or Website in accordance with the applicable legislation and these General Conditions of Use. The User must refrain from (i) making unauthorized or fraudulent use of the Application and / or Website; (ii) access or attempt to access restricted resources of the Application and / or Website; (iii) use the Application and / or Website for illicit, illegal purposes or effects, contrary to the provisions of these General Conditions of Use, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable or overload or impede the normal use or enjoyment of the Application and / or Website; (iv) cause damage to the Application and / or Website or to the systems of its suppliers or third parties; (v) introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause damage to the systems of Faceedoor, its suppliers or third parties, (vi) try to access, use and / or manipulate the data of Faceedoor, third party providers and other users; (vii) reproduce, copy, distribute, transform or modify the Contents, allow access to third parties through any form of public communication, unless you have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted; (viii) obtain or attempt to obtain the content using means or procedures other than those that, depending on the case, have been made available for this purpose. The User may only access the Application and / or Website through authorized means. Faceedoor will not be responsible in the event that the User does not have a compatible device or has downloaded a version of the Application that is incompatible with their device.

4. Additional conditions for access and use

El acceso a la Aplicación estará sujeto en todo caso al previo registro del Usuario mediante la cumplimentación del correspondiente formulario (“Formulario de Registro”), que será previamente facilitado al Usuario. Faceedoor se reserva el derecho de aceptar o rechazar libremente la solicitud de registro por parte del Usuario. Los datos introducidos por el Usuario en el Formulario de Registro deberán ser exactos, actuales y veraces en todo momento, y podrán incluir el Documento Nacional de Identidad del Usuario. El acceso y uso de la Aplicación o del área específica del Sitio Web estará sujeta una contraseña asignada al Usuario por Faceedoor al rellenar el Formulario de Registro y el acceso se reputará realizado por dicho Usuario, quien responderá en todo caso de tal acceso y uso. El Usuario será responsable en todo momento de la custodia de su contraseña, asumiendo, en consecuencia, cualesquiera daños y perjuicios que pudieran derivarse de su uso indebido, así como de la cesión, revelación o extravío de la misma. En caso de olvido de la contraseña o cualquier otra circunstancia que suponga un riesgo de acceso y/o utilización por parte de terceros no autorizados, el Usuario lo comunicará inmediatamente a Faceedoor a fin de que éste proceda inmediatamente al bloqueo y sustitución de la misma. En todo caso, cualesquiera operaciones realizadas antes de dicha comunicación se reputarán efectuadas por el Usuario, quien será responsable y pagará los gastos y/o daños que se deriven de cualquier acceso y/o uso no autorizado que se realice con anterioridad a dicha comunicación. El Usuario tiene en todo momento constancia de cuáles son los trayectos realizados y cobrados por Faceedoor, ya que recibe, en el correo electrónico por él indicado, un resumen con los datos del trayecto realizado a su finalización. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, Faceedoor realizará sus mejores esfuerzos para informar al Usuario de cualquier trayecto que presente indicios de fraude a fin de que éste pueda verificar cuanto antes la existencia de cualquier apropiación o uso indebido de su cuenta y pueda, llegado el caso, comunicar a Faceedoor el eventual fraude a la mayor brevedad.

Añade aquí tu texto de cabecera

The fees charged will not be refundable. However, the return of the amounts paid by the Users will proceed when the cases provided for in article 21 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approve the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users. The rates, their updates, and conditions of use will be available at all times on the Application and / or Website and are subject to possible modifications. The User is recommended to periodically access the Application and / or the Website to find out the applicable rates at all times. The User accepts that a variable additional cost will be charged in the periods of greatest demand. This additional cost is included in the final price. At the time the User requests the Service through the Application and / or Website, they will be able to consult an estimate of said cost together with the estimated price of the journey (which will include applicable taxes and fees), which will always be displayed that the User has included the destination point. Any discrepancy between this estimated price and the price that is finally charged to the User will respond to the User’s modification of the route (and stops) of the requested route, as well as the time that the User makes the driver wait once he arrives at the collection point indicated. Faceedoor reserves the right to modify, expand, reduce, establish and / or eliminate any payment method at any time as it deems appropriate for the proper functioning of the Service, in which case the User will be notified of such circumstances. The rates applicable to the Service will be charged to the User at the end of the trip, said rates will be charged either (i) by Faceedoor automatically through the credit card details provided by the User in the Registration Form, or (ii) directly by the driver by payment in cash at the end of the journey (only in the case of journeys in which a passenger transport is carried out), (iii) directly by the driver by debit or credit card through dataphone at the end of the journey (only in the case of journeys in which passenger transport is carried out). Faceedoor cannot guarantee at all times that the driver will have a ticket exchange of more than 100 Dollars. Please, if you want to make use of a ticket of 50 Dollars or higher, check with the driver in advance about the availability of change. In those cases in which Faceedoor charges the passenger directly through the credit card provided by the User, Faceedoor reserves the right to validate the payment method. Likewise, each time the User requests a Service, Faceedoor reserves the right to request pre-authorization for the payment of the journey from the credit institution linked to the credit card provided by the User. In no case will said pre-authorization entail the effective collection of the route to be made, since said collection will only be made once it has been completed. Faceedoor reserves the right to restrict the use and to recover the amount of the promotions, invitations and discounts to those Users who make an inappropriate, illegal or abusive use of them, who may be informed of such circumstance. Inappropriate use will be understood as any use of the Application and / or Website by the User contrary to the Law and these General Conditions of Use. It is strictly prohibited for a User to create different Faceedoor accounts or share an electronic payment method with other Users. in order to unduly benefit from discounts and invitations, which is considered an abusive use of them. Invitations and discounts will lose their value three months after they are created. In addition, Faceedoor reserves the right to cancel or reduce the value of discounts, invitations and promotions at any time. Faceedoor, for security reasons, will have the power to block, cancel or cancel any payment method when there are reasonable suspicions about its improper use. In addition, it is not allowed to use the same payment method in more than two independent accounts. In the event that this happens, the company can proceed to block the Service to all accounts until the User documentary proofs ownership of both accounts and the payment method entered. In the cases in which Faceedoor charges the User directly through their credit card, a summary of the journey made will be sent to the email address provided by the User, for purely informational purposes.

6. Intellectual and industrial property rights

The User acknowledges and accepts that all intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents and / or any other elements inserted in the Application and / or Website (including, without limitation, trademarks, logos, trade names, texts, images, graphics , designs, sounds, databases, software, flowcharts, presentation, audio and video), belong to Faceedoor. Faceedoor authorizes the User to use, view, print, download and store the contents and / or elements inserted in the Application and / or Website exclusively for their personal, private and non-profit use, refraining from performing any act of decompilation, reverse engineering, modification, disclosure or supply. Any other use or exploitation of any content and / or other elements inserted in the Application and / or Website other than those expressly provided herein will be subject to the prior authorization of Faceedoor.

7. Data protection

The personal data (hereinafter, the “Data”) that the User provides through the Registration Form will be integrated into a personal data file for which Faceedoor is the responsibility. For more information, consult the Privacy Policy.

8. Regime of guarantees and responsibility

Faceedoor will ensure the highest availability and continuity possible in the operation of the Application and / or Website. However, this does not imply that the User has a right to permanent and uninterrupted availability of the Application and / or Website. Faceedoor adopts various protection measures to safeguard the Application and / or Website and the Contents from third-party computer attacks. Faceedoor will only respond to Users in cases where damage occurs due to an incorrect, incomplete or late transmission of data or due to the lack of availability of the Application and / or Website due to failures attributable solely and directly to Faceedoor. Likewise, if (i) the use of the Application and / or Website or (ii) the transmission of data through them gives rise to damage or damage to the User’s hardware or software, Faceedoor will be liable for them as long as As long as it is proven that said damages have been directly and solely caused by the Application and / or Website. Users must remove all their personal effects from the vehicle once the journey is over. Faceedoor will not be responsible for the loss or misplacement of personal belongings, although it will provide them with any help or information that could speed up their recovery. In order to speed up said recovery, Faceedoor makes the Help Center available to the User, in which the User may notify Faceedoor of the loss of any object during a journey. By subscribing to these General Conditions of Use, the User declares that they will hold Faceedoor harmless from any claim against it, its parent company, directors, partners, employees, lawyers and agents derived from (i) breach by the User of any provision contained in these General Conditions of Use or of any law or regulation applicable to them, (ii) of the breach or violation of the rights of third parties including, but not limited to, third-party carriers, other drivers and pedestrians, (iii) of any damage or harm caused by the User and / or his companions in the use of the Service to a third party and (iv) of the breach of the permitted use of the Application and / or Website. Likewise, the User is obliged by subscribing to these General Conditions of Use to behave during the duration of the journey in accordance with morals, good customs and public order. Therefore, the User accepts that during the provision of the transport service it is expressly forbidden to consume alcohol or drugs in the vehicle, as well as to have sexual relations in it. In the event of such circumstances, the User accepts that the carrier may immediately choose to end the requested journey. On the other hand, Faceedoor reserves the right to charge penalties to Users who, during the journey, act against morals, good customs and public order, as well as those Users who cause any type of damage to the carriers’ vehicles. during the provision of the transport service. The final provision of the transport service will be at the discretion of the third party carrier. Faceedoor will provide the User with a transportation service outside the company. The third-party carrier may accept or reject the assignment of the route at any time. In the event that the rejection of the trip occurs when the identity of the assigned Driver has already been notified to the User, Faceedoor will offer said route to other carriers so that the route is provided to the User correctly in a timely manner. The User waives and exonerates Faceedoor from any obligations, claims or damages arising as a result of the relationship with the third party carrier. Faceedoor will not become a party to any disputes between the User and the third party carrier. Any responsibility or obligation arising from the relationship between the User and the third carrier rests solely with the User, with all the implications that this entails. The User must use a mask on a mandatory basis and under their own responsibility when on board the vehicle as established in Order TMA / 384/2020, of May 3, which dictates instructions on the use of masks in the different modes of transport and requirements are set to ensure safe mobility in accordance with the plan for the transition to a new normal. Consequently, the User understands that (i) with the use of the Application and / or Website (and with the corresponding reservation of a transport service), they may be exposed to a potentially dangerous, harmful, harmful transport for minors given the risks inherent to the transport activity itself, (ii) and that said activity is carried out at its own risk and responsibility. If you reserve your vehicle less than 2 hours before the departure of your train / plane / boat, Faceedoor is not responsible for the cost of your ticket if you do not arrive on time, the traffic may increase depending on the time slot and This can cause significant delays in your trip.

9. Notifications

Faceedoor may make the appropriate notifications through the Application and / or Website, through the email address provided by the User in the Registration Form, by SMS, through ordinary mail to the address provided by the User. in the Registration Form. The User, in turn, may send notifications to Faceedoor through the Help Center.

10. Assignment

The User may not assign their rights and obligations of these General Conditions of Use without the prior written consent of Faceedoor. Faceedoor may assign its contractual position, without commercial purposes other than those assumed by virtue of these General Conditions of Use, to any entity within its group of companies, worldwide, as well as to any person or entity that succeeds it. in the exercise of their business by any title.

Terms and conditions for drivers

Esta aplicación en lo sucesivo se denominará “Faceedoor Conductor”.

La persona que acceda, navegue o utilice Faceedoor Conductor o los sitios web de Faceedoor relativos a los servicios de Faceedoor Conductor, en lo sucesivo se le denominará “Socio Conductor”.

La persona que acceda navegue o utilice la aplicación Faceedoor Pasajero (en lo sucesivo “ Faceedoor Pasajero”) o los sitios web de Faceedoor relativos a Faceedoor Pasajero para coordinar viajes ofrecidos por Socios Conductores en lo sucesivo se denominará “Usuario”.

Faceedoor , y en algunos países, sus compañías afiliadas, a través de una plataforma tecnológica, prestan el servicio de intermediación entre Usuarios y Socios Conductores (el “Servicio de Faceedoor ”)  para organizar y planificar en línea la prestación directa por parte de los Socios Conductores de servicios de movilidad (los “Servicios de Movilidad”) y servicios logísticos por parte de terceros independientes proveedores de servicios logísticos (los “Servicios Logísticos”, y conjuntamente con los Servicios de Movilidad, los “Servicios”).

En caso de ser aplicable, la persona que acceda, navegue o utilice Faceedoor Flotilla y los sitios web de Faceedoor relativos a Faceedoor Flotilla y actúe como el contratista principal de los Socios Conductores, en lo sucesivo se le denominará como el “Socio No Conductor”.

Los Socios No Conductores podrán conectarse con los Socios Conductores a través del intercambio de información entre Faceedoor Flotilla y Faceedoor Conductor.

Al Socio Conductor que se haya vinculado con un Socio No Conductor en lo sucesivo se le denominará como “Socio Conductor Vinculado”.

Al Usuario que, para la realización de un viaje, le sea designado un Socio Conductor (en lo sucesivo el “Socio Conductor Designado”) a través de Faceedoor Conductor se le denominará en lo sucesivo como el “Usuario Designado”.

El Socio Conductor reconoce que la Compañía no presta servicios de movilidad o logísticos, y que no opera como una compañía de movilidad. Los Servicios son, en cada caso, prestados directamente por el Socio Conductor Designado, quien es independiente y no actúa como empleado de la Compañía ni de cualquiera de sus compañías afiliadas.

Todas las secciones en estos Términos y Condiciones relativas a Faceedoor Flotilla, el Socio No Conductor y/o el Socio Conductor Vinculado serán solo aplicables si y cuando Faceedoor Flotilla se encuentre disponible.

El Socio Conductor se regirá por estos Términos y Condiciones de Faceedoor Conductor (en lo sucesivo referidos como “Términos y Condiciones”).

Antes de utilizar Faceedoor Conductor, por favor lea los presentes Términos y Condiciones con atención.

Tenga en cuenta que el Socio Conductor no podrá usar, ni tener pleno acceso a Faceedoor Conductor, hasta que no se obligue a sujetarse a los presentes Términos y Condiciones, y haya aceptado el Aviso de Privacidad respectivo para Faceedoor Conductor.

Los presentes Términos y Condiciones son aplicables para todos los Socios Conductores de Faceedoor Conductor, y están sujetos a modificaciones en cualquier momento como resultado de ajustes a las políticas comerciales de Faceedoor .

El Socio Conductor debe visitar frecuentemente la página web y/o la aplicación de Faceedoor Conductor para mantenerse al tanto de los Términos y Condiciones vigentes. Las notificaciones, términos u otros requerimientos expresamente especificados o integrados en la página web y/o en Faceedoor Conductor, formarán parte integral de los presentes Términos y Condiciones. Ciertas partes de los Términos y Condiciones podrán ser sustituidos por avisos legales, términos o requerimientos más actualizados expresamente notificados, especificados o integrados en la página web y/o en Faceedoor Conductor. Los avisos, términos o requisitos actualizados comenzarán a regir a partir de la publicación o notificación de dichas actualizaciones por parte de la Compañía.

Si el Socio Conductor elige y utiliza los Servicios de Faceedoor, se considerará que el Socio Conductor ha leído, conocido y aceptado todos y cada uno de los términos establecidos en este documento, y que ha acordado que los presentes Términos y Condiciones son legalmente vinculantes para el Socio Conductor y la Compañía. El Socio Conductor observará de buena fe los presentes Términos y Condiciones al utilizar Faceedoor Conductor.

Los presentes Términos y Condiciones expresamente dejan sin efecto cualquier acuerdo o arreglo previo que la Compañía haya celebrado con el Socio Conductor para efectos de utilizar Faceedoor Conductor y la prestación de los Servicios de Faceedoor y los Servicios.

Faceedoor se reserva el derecho de buscar soluciones a las controversas que surjan con ocasión de Faceedoor Conductor, sin embargo, en cualquier caso podrá dar por terminada unilateralmente la prestación de cualquier servicio objeto de los presentes Términos y Condiciones al Socio Conductor, o en general, dejar de ofrecer o negar el acceso a Faceedoor Conductor y sus servicios o a cualquier parte de los mismos, si Faceedoor considera que el Socio Conductor ha incurrido en cualquier incumplimiento de los Términos y Condiciones.

Asimismo, Faceedoor se reserva el derecho de negarse a permitir el acceso al Socio Conductor a Faceedoor Conductor, o el uso de páginas web, Servicios de Faceedoor o aplicaciones de Faceedoor si el Socio Conductor no acepta estos Términos y Condiciones.

De igual forma, el Socio Conductor declara conocer que utiliza los Servicios de Faceedoor bajo su propio riesgo y por su propia cuenta.

1. Registro del Socio Conductor

1.1. Para utilizar Faceedoor Conductor, el Socio Conductor debe descargar la aplicación, instalarla en su dispositivo móvil y completar exitosamente los procesos de registro. Al registrarse, el Socio Conductor deberá asegurarse que toda la información personal que haya proporcionado sea precisa, completa y válida.

1.2. El Socio Conductor reconoce y acepta que una vez se haya registrado de Faceedoor Conductor, su cuenta de Socio Conductor se abrirá de forma predeterminada en Faceedoor Conductor. La cuenta y contraseña predeterminadas serán la cuenta y contraseña de Faceedoor Conductor del Socio Conductor.

1.3. El Socio Conductor y cualquier persona que use Faceedoor Conductor o que provea los Servicios deberá tener al menos 18 años de edad o la mayoría de edad fijada en la jurisdicción del Socio Conductor (en caso de ser mayor a 18 años) o tener plena capacidad para celebrar y ejecutar un contrato de conformidad con la regulación aplicable.

Faceedoor no asume responsabilidad por Socios Conductores que violen la disposición de mayoría de edad, y sus responsables, tutores o acudientes, por lo que en dicho caso, serán los responsables, tutores o acudientes quienes asumirán directamente cualquier responsabilidad y consecuencia relativa a los presentes Términos y Condiciones. El Socio Conductor no cederá o transferirá de ninguna forma la cuenta vinculada a su nombre para efectos de Faceedoor Conductor a ninguna persona natural o jurídica.

1.4. El Socio Conductor comprende que antes o aún después de haber proporcionado la información solicitada por Faceedoor , Faceedoor se reserva el derecho de no prestarle los Servicios de Faceedoor al Socio Conductor por criterios internos de Faceedoor u otros factores, determinados por Faceedoor .

2. Servicios

2.1. El Socio Conductor reconoce que la Compañía no provee Servicios y que la capacidad del Socio Conductor Designado para entrar en contacto con un Usuario para la prestación de los Servicios a través de Faceedoor Conductor no constituye a Faceedoor como proveedor de Servicios, ni en un operador de movilidad.

2.2. Los Servicios serán prestados exclusivamente por el Socio Conductor, quien será plenamente responsable por la prestación de los Servicios y declaración de los tributos que se generan como consecuencia de la prestación de los Servicios.

2.3. La Compañía no participa, ni se hace responsable de manera alguna por la relación de Servicios entre el Socio Conductor y el Usuario o el Usuario Designado. A través de la aplicación Faceedoor Pasajero, los Usuarios podrán solicitar el Servicio de Movilidad (individual o compartido) prestado por Socios Conductores independientes quienes obtendrán información de las solicitudes por medio de Faceedoor Conductor. A través de la misma aplicación, los Socios Conductores podrán conectarse con Usuarios y tendrán acceso a varias funciones de la aplicación, incluyendo, sin limitarse a, la obtención de información respecto de solicitudes de Usuarios, y los ingresos de los Servicios derivados de la prestación de dichos Servicios al Usuario Designado. Los ingresos serán recaudados por el Socio Conductor a través de Faceedoor Conductor o directamente pagados al Socio Conductor por el Usuario Designado en cuanto exista esa opción.

2.4. Para utilizar Faceedoor Conductor, el Socio Conductor deberá proporcionar a la Compañía cierta información personal, la cual deberá ser precisa y completa. El Socio Conductor se obliga a mantener actualizada la información personal que requiera Faceedoor Conductor. En caso de no poder mantener dicha información de acuerdo con lo descrito, el acceso y el uso de Faceedoor Pasajero y la provisión de los Servicios que presta el mismo Socio Conductor, podrían verse afectados.